Great first day!  Remember to take in plenty of fluids throughout the day and evening as you begin the season.  The first few weeks are challenging as you build a solid base if you haven’t been used to running during the summer.  Help stay healthy and injury free by talking to the coaches, doing the workouts and stretches along with the cool down exercises.  We are posting this week’s workout suggestions for those student-athletes that are unable to be with us due to excused circumstances.  If you do not attend practices and have unexcused absences you will not compete during meets. If you know other students that are planning on joining have them contact the coaches ASAP!!!  

Remember to bring water each day!!  

Mon. Varsity- 6 miles or 50 minute run followed by 6 x 100 meter strides

JV- 4-5 mile run followed by  6 x100 strides
Tues. Varsity- 8-10 mile run on a hilly course.
3-5 mile run on hilly course
Wed. Varsity- 5-6 mile easy run followed by strides
JV- 30 minute run (2-4 miles ) followed by strides
Thurs. Varsity Continuous steady hill repeats, 45 minutes, fast uphill, easy down
JV- continuous steady hill repeats, 30 minutes, fast up, easy down
Fri. Varsity Long run of 8-12 miles followed by strides
JV-Long run of 4-7 miles
Sat. or Sun. Long easy run of 60 -90 minutes for varsity, 30-60 minutes for others
Sat. or Sun. Rest or cross train or run for 45 minutes or less.
If you have not registered online please get to it.  Reminder:  General meeting Thursday August 18, at 6PM East High School Auditorium followed by Cross Country Meeting in gym.  Jerseys will be available!!  $25 each.