Housekeeping:  Congrats to all the competitors this weekend!  Thanks for your patience with the weather and following weather emergency procedures.  There are a lot of left over lost and found clothing/shoes.  Please claim at practice Monday!  Thanks to those that donated food items, home baked goods, and were there to support the runners this weekend.  When packing for a meet- please only bring meet appropriate items as space is often limited on buses and should be brought as needed items.  We do not need costumes as this distracts our overall focus.  This week is homecoming and you need to still attend practices, please remember your commitment to the team over social activities that can be enjoyed after our practices.

MONDAY- Practice at 3:40-5:30pm  Baseball field at East

TUESDAY-Practice at 3:40-5:30pm  Baseball field at East

WEDNESDAY- PICTURE DAT 3:40PM  meet at baseball field WEAR UNIFORMTOP AND RACE BOTTOMS   Picture envelops will be handed out at practice.  

There will be the optional 6:30AM practice- remember to please come after school for pictures!


THURSDAY-Meet in Hibbing at Hibbing Municipal Golf Course meet starts at 4:00pm.  We will stop for dinner in Hibbing on return.  High school excused at 1:15pm Bus leaves at 1:30.  Middle schoolers out at 1:00p, bus will pick you up at 1:15pm

Race Info:

* Girls Varsity/JV 4:00
* Boys Varsity/JV 4:30
* Girls Jr. High (Grades 7-9) 5:00
* Boys Jr. High (Grades 7-9) 5:30

Results on


FRIDAY- optional 6:30 AM practice OR 3:40pm  OR Saturday 9:00AM.  You must choose 1 of those 3 options and attend that practice.  Look at your schedule in advance and choose your option.  This is to allow for you to enjoy school sponsored activities, weekend plans, appointments or conflicts without penalty.  IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND one of these weekend options you have chosen to forfeit the next race.