Week of Oct. 8-14
A missed THANK YOU to JOE HAGGENMILLER and his BIKING the course all day at SWAIN!
Swain was a super success with all the help and support from our great student- athletes and families! Thank yous go out to all the parents that were quick with cameras; Vatthauers, Webergs, Johnson-Pihlaja, our own Michael Yu! The camp and starting line was taken care of by many other helpful adults including the Bensers, Milners, and LaFontaines to name a few! Thanks managers for all your efforts with the timing bibs and clean up at end. Thanks to those student-athletes that stayed to the end to help with all the clean up- you were helpful, efficient and really appreciated! Friday potluck last week was excellent! Thanks for those that contributed to the feed supply! Some containers were left as was clothing from Swain- al have been washed and cleaned and will be available for retrieval at Monday’s practice.
Monday, Oct. 9 regular practice 3:45PM – 5:15PM
Tuesday, Oct. 10 St. Cloud Tech Invite at Boulder Ridge Golf Course in St. Cloud. (if riding home with your parent need travel release sheet)
JV Girls’ race at 3:30PM
JV Boys’ race at 4:00PM
Varsity Girls’ at 4:30PM
Varsity Boys’ at 5:00PM
Students are excused t 11:15AM and Bus departs at 11:30AM SHARP! ETR is 11:00PM
IF NOT GOING TO ST.CLOUD no practice after school
Wednesday, Oct. 11 optional AM practice at 6:30 and/or 3:45Pm- 5:15PM
Thursday, Oct. 12 regular practice 3:45PM- 5:15PM
Friday, Oct.13 optional AM practice at 6:30 and/or 3:45PM-5:15PM
Plan your week accordingly as it is homecoming this week. Practice is mandatory and for most of our team we are down to the final 2 meets before sections. Top nine make sections team for both girls’ and boys’ teams.
PICTURES TO BE DETERMINED- could be this week so check website for any updates.