Housekeeping items-  1)Complete online registration forms ASAP.  Your payment of $185.00 will now be available on your infinite campus portal or bring a check to practice.  If you are not registered and eligible by Wednesday, August 21 then you are not able to participate this season for our team.  Our Minnesota State High School League rosters are due and that is our deadline.  2)Physicals and forms/payment must be verified prior to first meet ( Thursday August 22) so get these items taken care of immediately.  3) Uniform purchase $25 for jersey.

MONDAY AUGUST 19-  Practice 8:00 AM -10:00AM at LESTER PARK

TUESDAY AUGUST 20– Practice 8:00AM-10:00AM at LESTER PARK

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21– Practice 8:00AM- 9:30AM LESTER PARK ( earlier finish day before race)

THURSDAY AUGUST 22- MEET- at LESTER PARK- arrive at 9:00AM, we are the host team and need to welcome teams, walk/jog course  prior to first race.  Race Schedule as follows:

10:30AM   Boys and Girls grades 7-9    3200m

11:00AM    Girls JV/V                                5K

11:40AM    Boys JV/V                                 5K

Medals to top 10 in each race division boys/girls

FRIDAY AUGUST 23- Practice at CANAL PARK ( Maritime Museum).  We have a dual practice with Farmington High School and fruit/snack breakfast after together.  9:00AM – 10:30AM

SATURDAY AUGUST 24-  LONG RUN ON OWN  should be running between 40-50 min grades 7-8  and 50-60 minutes grades 9-12.


Parent volunteers needed at HOME MEET Thursday, AUGUST 22- No experience necessary-  ( crowd control, chute organization, camp monitors, and bib collectors.) 

Let Coach Peller know via text/voicemail if able to help. 218-310-5611