Update 9/1/2020
Updated Meet Schedule for Thursday, September 3, 2020
10 am Girls 3 K
10:30 am Boys 3 K
11:15 am Girls 5 K (wave 1)
11:45 am Girls 5 K (wave 2)
12:30 pm Boys 5 K (wave 1)
1:00 pm Boys 5 K (wave 2)
1:10 pm Boys 5 K (wave 3)
Coaches will let the kids know what race (wave) they are in at practice on Wednesday.
Spectator Expectations for every race this season.
No spectators near the start or finish line.
No spectators near camps.
Portable Restrooms are for team and coach use only.
Please do not arrive early and leave as soon as your race is complete. We must keep our overall numbers low for the day.
Remember to social distance and wear a mask. This is for the safety and success of our season.
No more that 5 from one household and all should leave immediately if someone is experiencing symptoms.
We need about 6 people to help take the course down (collect cones, flags) after the last race. Please email laura.lafontaine@isd709.org if you can help. Thank you.
Optional Team Apparel
Here is a link for Team Apparel if your athlete chooses to purchase some of the gear.
Don’t forget – Practice for Wednesday, September 2 is at EHS – meet by baseball field
Practice will be about 1 hour.
3 pm – 7th/8th graders arrive
3:30 pm – 9th/10th graders arrive
4 pm – 11th/12th graders arrive
Varsity Only
Practice on Friday, September 4, at 8 am at Lester Park. Coach Wicker will let you know if you should attend.