Please Help with our Home meet
Saturday, October 1, we host our home meet at Lester Park Golf Course.
We need parent volunteers for concessions, crowd control, race course teardown, finish line,
and bus parking. We will have 9 or 10 teams from as far away as Lake City and St. Cloud.
Race Schedule 10:00 Middle School Boys 3K
10:30 Middle School Girls 3K
11:00 Boys JV 5 K
11:40 Girls JV 5K
12: 20 Boys Varsity 5K
1:00 Girls Varsity 5K
If anyone has experience or ideas and would like to run the concession stand let me know. Last
year we had a great crew and things went well, but could be better if someone besides me was
the organizer.
Thanks for your help.
Let me know if you would like to help with anything. We will make sure you get to watch your
sons and daughters run.
Dave Wicker
218 576-9871