East Cross Country July 24-29, 2023
Captains practices are happening at the normal times.

Coon Rapids is bringing about 15 of their varsity runners (boys and girls) to Lester Park on Monday, July 24 at 1l;00 AM. I told their coach that we would have some people for them to run with. Hopefully, some of you can adjust your schedules so you could run with them. Let me know if you
are interested.

Coach Wicker
218 576-9871

ONLY 3 WEEKS left until official practice starts. Hopefully your running is going well. The more you do to prepare in the summer, the better your season will be. Be consistent, build up your mileage gradually. Challenge yourself weekly. Find people of similar ability to run with and help each other.
Coaches will be at several captains practices this week to
see our amazing athletes.