Welcome returning student-athletes and newcomers!   We are so excited to get the opportunity to coach you for the upcoming season.  There will be important information ahead so please check the official Duluth East Cross Country website for your up to date information!


OPEN HOUSE SIGN UP or Virtual Participation scheduled for Tuesday, June 16th at 9:00Am- noon  at East Stadium Track.  You can meet captains, coaches, and learn about the summer expectations, have questions answered and more!  If you want to join via Google Meet use this link anytime from 9:00Am-noon.


If accessing by cell phone use this link below


Captains for 2020:

Martha Carlson                            Ezra Schomberg

Luca Schwartz                              Blake Bortnem

Gillian Skar                                   Bryn  Weberg

Crystal Kaczmarczyk


COACHES for 2020:

Dave Wicker


Scott Keenan


Laura LaFontaine
